This is an online course only!


Instructor: Prof. Todd McGowan


This seminar is a reading/discussion/lecture seminar on Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. It will focus on key concepts and themes found in the Phenomenology of Spirit as highlighted by professor McGowan.

This will be a live seminar in which Professor McGowan will be lecturing and holding discussion sessions for each session.


Sundays June 9, 16, 23, 30

1pm New York time


GCAS Online Zoom Platform and In-Person at our Summer Institute

Intended Learning Outcomes:

To develop a deeper more critical understanding of Hegel’s seminal text, The Phenomenology of Spirit.

To develop a deeper more critical thinking apparatus and apply it to different problematics.

To develop a deeper appreciation for and understanding of key philosophical concepts.

To develop more effective communication skills in writing, speaking, and where appropriate in video presentation.


There are no requirements if you are not taking this course.


Advanced undergraduate or post-graduate research.

Required Text:

Hegel’s The Phenomenology of Spirit

You will have access to Prof. McGowan’s amazing recorded lectures, one for each section of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.