Research Paper Requirements
Research Paper requirement
Research is core to GCAS’ mission. At a time of powerful campaigns designed and implemented to misinform (or even dis-inform) and confuse the public with “alternative facts” it is now more important than ever to support solid research findings and where possible and needed to disseminate said findings.
The GCAS E-School is committed to producing advanced research findings. To that end our Eschool is a space in which to create and support these findings.
Here are the general requirements for a “Research Paper.”
Under most circumstances, a research paper requirement includes the following:
A 2,000 word original document composed by the researcher.
The formatting is chosen by the researcher (Chicago, MLA, etc). It is important that the format is consistent throughout the research paper.
Please include citations when necessary.
The paper should be composed double spaced, Times New Roman font, 12’’.
You should not use more than 20% quotations in the research paper.
The topic should be on the content of the seminar.
Research Defined
Research is the act of critically examining specific areas of interests from Critical Theory to the Social Sciences and the “hard sciences”. It requires gaining knowledge through various credible sources and presenting insights that are important to the public and other researchers in specific fields of inquiry.
Advanced research requires methodological procedures which should be carefully constructed as a way to hold research findings accountable and repeatable.
Grading the Research Paper
The researcher research paper is read by a qualified instructor who will grade the paper either pass or fail.
Should the research paper pass, you qualify to be awarded GCASY tokens, which you can claim HERE.
Should the research paper pass, you are encouraged to submit the paper to The GCAS Review. Should it be accepted in the GCAS Review you can earn additional GCASY tokens.
In this way, the GCAS economy is run and generated through research and development as a means of production. For more information please check out: