To be awarded a Certificate in Philosophy & Psychoanalysis the researcher (participant) must earn 22 Credits total. 20 credits from completing seminars/courses and 2 credits from the examination. 2 seminars/courses must be in Psychoanalysis and 2 seminars/courses must be in Philosophy. Unless stated, each seminar/course awards 5 credits per seminar/course.
The Certificate Examination will be either: (a) Oral (online or in person); or (b) Written. The examination will be scheduled with the researcher/participant after the first course is completed.
GCAS will accept this seminar as one of the requirements for our Certificate Programme.
Practicing Psychoanalysis in a Time of Pandemic
This seminar, organised by the Freud Lacan institute (FLI) in assocation with the Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland (APPI), considers the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work and practice of psychoanalysis. The viral real has suspended time, reconfigured aspects of the social link and introduced topographical and dynamic challenges to clinical work.
This seminar is co-facilitated by Marie Walshe and Eve Watson and features two guest psychoanalysts, Paola Mieli and Ona Nierenberg, who will join us from Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association in New York City, the current epicenter of the global pandemic.
“The extraordinary diversity of the psychical constellations concerned, the plasticity of the mental processes and the wealth of determining factors oppose any mechanization of the technique” (Freud, On Beginning the Treatment).
All are welcome and emphasis will be on discussion and participation. All who register will be sent a meeting link shortly before the seminar begins. Those with difficulty with the fee should write to the event organiser.