
As this is the first seminar of the Art Department, it will be free for everyone!

If you want to participate write to: or fill this form


Eduardo Cruces


This seminar invites to explore during four sessions the transformation of the artistic practices by de-industrialization and how to create personal/collective alternatives beside the current contradictions of that global phenomenon.

Practical information:

This seminar is open for everyone and is not mandatory to have an active practice in Arts.


Sundays: October 16, 23, 30 and November 6 @1pm New York time.

Session 1: Art and De-industrialization (Sun Oct 16 @1pm New York Time):

During this first meeting as an introduction, we are going to question the production of artistic objects and the conditions of artistic practices from our different sociopolitical contexts.

Session 2: Cordones Des-industriales (Sun Oct 23 @1pm New York Time):

Discussion about the use of keywords, based in the presentation of contemporary glossaries written by transdisciplinary collectives, where the concepts traversing multiple dimensions inside and outside Arts.

Session 3: Creative-Cultural De-industries (Sun Oct 30 @1pm New York Time):

Practical session where we will exchange our experiences of solidarity and competition in the frame of de-industrialization and its products and services in Arts, such as projects, open calls, grants, etc.

Session 4: De-industrial Revolution (Sun Nov 6 @1pm New York Time):

Open dialogue where each participant shares their thoughts as conclusions of the Seminar with focus in a collective feedback about the different topics.