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Epistemology PhD Seminar

2019 Fall

GCAS PhD Seminar (5).png


This course is an advanced seminar focused on epistemology. This course will critically examine the theory of knowledge in the wake of “post-truth”. It will seek to identify and characterize conceptual epistemic resources for making basic claims about the nature of our world. We will be reading through Thomas Metzinger’s book, Being No One. Prof. Thomas Metzinger will guest lecture for this seminar.


This course will be linked:

  1. to the Certificate Programme, presented by the GCAS-South American Collective, “Certificado en Prácticas Político-Artísticas y Filosóficas” (“Politico-Artistic and Philosophical Practices"); and

  2. to Gangle and Tohmé’s Metzinger’s Seminar


Metzinger, Being No One

Badiou & Davis, The Contradictions of America (MS will be supplied)


OCT 5 - Introduction

October 6 - González Castro, ”La ampliación de los límites y la diferencia frente a otros vínculos entre arte y política” “The extension of the limits and the difference compared to other links between art and politics”

October 12 - Thomas Metzinger, Guest Lecture — Gangle/Tohmé, Metzinger “Lecture 1”

October 13 - González Castro, “Los efectos político-artísticos” “The political-artistic effects”

October 19 - Gangle/ Tohmé, Metzinger “Lecture 2”

October 26 - Gangle/Tohmé, Metzinger “Lecture 3”

November 2 - Gangle/Tohmé, Metzinger “Lecture 4”

Nov 9- Badiou/Davis “The Epistemology of Space and its Relation to Ideology”

Nov 16 - Decolonizing Epistemology 1

Nov 23- Decolonizing Epistemology 2

Nov 30- Decolonizing Epistemology 3

November 17 - Cofré, “Consideraciones sobre Estética e Inestética” “Aesthetic and Inesthetic Considerations”

November 24 - Cofré, “6 hipótesis para una Estética de la Liberación” “6 hypotheses for an Aesthetics of Liberation”

December 1 - Cofré, “Anudamientos entre Estética, Política, Verdad y Vida” “Knotting between Aesthetics, Politics, Truth and Life”

December 8 - Cofré, “Estéticas del Sur global. Casos prácticos” “Aesthetics of the global South. Practical cases”

December 14 Conclusion


A 3,000 word research paper is due by 15 January based on the seminar topic.


5 Credits via GCAS College

Epistemology Seminar - Fall 2019
Sale Price: €642.00 Original Price: €2,250.00

Complete this seminar and earn 100 GCASY Tokens. Publish your research findings from the seminar in The GCAS Review and earn 500 more tokens.