Professor: Franco Berardi
Format: GCAS Zoom
Once you are enrolled you will be given access to the course platform about 1 month before the course commences.
Title: “don't expect too much from the end of the world” (Homage to Radu Jude)
Schedule: Date/Time: June 7, 14, 21, 28 Saturdays at 11am NYtime
First lecture: June 7, 2025
Action and interpretation.
The eleventh thesis reassessed. Structure and event in the thought of Marx.
K. Marx: Thesis on Feuerbach
Franco Berardi: The civil war in France, in The bloomsbury companion to Marx, edited by Diamanti, Pendakis, Szeman, Rutledge, 2019
Second lecture: June 14
Interpretations of the present as future:
The the Ultimate Reich: Nazi-liberism and the ongoing termination of the human kind
The empire from Augustus to Caligola
The concept of extrastatecraft Infrastracture and the Global Automaton
Keller Easterling: Extrastatecraft
Negri-Hardt: Empire
Franco Berardi: The American Unconscious and the Disintegration of the Western World
Third lecture: June 21
The tendency and the residual:
Marx and colonialism.
Understanding nazi-liberism: precarization of labor and the comeback of slaverism
Hyper-colonialism and semiocapital
Lin Biao and Mao Tse Tung about strangling the metropolis.
The decline of the West and the ongoing war of termination
Cedric Robinson: Black Marxism
Amitav Gosh: The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis (2021)
Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Toward a Global Realignment,” The American Interest 11, no. 6 (July–August 2016)
Fourth lecture: June 28
Depression and Desertion
Connective-immersive technology and the mutation of mind
Is ADHD a pathology of a way of adaptation?
Is depression pathology or a way of understanding?
Desert war, desert work, desert future
Alain Ehrenberg: La fatigue d’être soi
Franco Berardi: Quit everything, The Repeater, 2024
Donna Haraway: Staying with the trouble
Melissa Broder: So sad today
Miranda July: Me and you and everyone we know
Radu Jude: Nu aștepta prea mult de la sfârșitul lumii